Frank's Profile

Frank Kozlowski

Frank Kozlowski

Country France
Account 48 PRO Member


“As a little boy l wanted to be director. When you listen tu classical music since l was purely filled correctly. Later, it began with a music school, rock music his own and the usual. Now l am fully aware l realize now it`s revived the purpose and dream of this little boy , write music and inspire people again. My door is open to filmmakers, bands and performers. „ Back to the roots Between the violin clef and the MIDI-track I was born in the year 1966 in Magdeburg (Germany). When I was 5 years old, I moved to Poland with my family. In Poland I visited a full-time music school from 1972 to 1982. My main subjects were piano and B-clarinet. That was a classical education and a great time which formed me until today. Great teachers and an awesome curriculum to which I sometimes didn´t have complied. So I changed all the musical works from the lessons into a Rock ´n´ Roll version, when I was 13 years old. My teachers were excited, especially when the exams were coming closer. When I was 15 years old, I founded a school band together with my classmates. The greatest success was at a music competition. We won a LP from J.S.Bach for the loudest band. With great pleasure we donated the LP to our music teacher. After lengthy consideration, I decided to escape to Germany in 1983. A short time later I started to work as a keyboard player in a recording studio, where I imported the tracks from famous and less famous artists. I met the recording studio owner by chance. In 1983 I took part in a music competition, where I won my first synthesizer. I played in some bands in the region of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart, but that wasn´t so great. In 1991 I´ve retired into my cellar to write my own songs for various film scenes and spots. From time to time I played for different bands on keyboard instruments until I moved to France in 2007. There I live well on the land and I had rebuilt my barn into a recording studio, where I currently compose music for different spots and similar film projects. Since 2013 I am working with David Poyourow from USA . With the very talented drumer Michael Bildstein from France and my son Sebastian Kozlowski we are now a team of 4 musicians. We produce demos for artists. and working on our album.

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Music Demos

Brombo ( remix )

This is a remix from Frank Kozlowski & David Poyourow. The original title BROMBO of Akira Jimbo & Brian Bromberg "Brombo" based on drums and bass guitar David and I have composes our tracks and incorporated into the title

Mr. Workaholic on tour

Many thanks to the filmmaker Tim Gralke of Vestfalia Film Music by Frank Kozlowski The title is well suitable for filmmakers to advertising or industry players. The song tells a story about a man who falls into the hole everyday. He`s on his way to work, everything hat to be quick, qick rest, fast food and more quickly . He comes back after a long day, opens window and realizes what he has missed a day. FR-1A9-13-00502 Frank Kozlowski composer by


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